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New Student Registration
Student Enrollment Requirements:
(In compliance with Education Code 48200 and 48204)
Registration/Pre Enrollment Form and Affidavit of Residency Must be completed and signed by parent/legal guardian. Please submit Pre enrollment and Affidavit of Residency paperwork IN PERSON.
All items on the checklist must be provided by the parent/guardian for the enrollment process to begin. Incomplete registration packets will NOT be accepted.
Please click here for School Choice availability. If you reside outside of the Folsom Cordova USD and would like to attend Mills Middle School School, please click here for an InterDistrict Transfer Permit
Enrollment and Registration is completely online. Our enrollment process consists of two parts. Please download the enrollment packet listed above to begin the enrollment process.
Part 1, begin the process by completing the Pre-Enrollment packet and submitting the following REQUIRED documents in person:(All listed on pg.1 of the Pre-Enrollment Packet)
- Pre-Enrollment Informational Sheet
- Records from the previous school including:
- Withdrawal Grades
- Unofficial Transcript
- Discipline Report
- Age Verification: as defined Ed Code 48002 – Examples (but not limited to):
- Certified copy of birth record or statement by the local register or county recorder certifying birth date
- Baptism certificate duly attested
- Passport
- An Affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor
- or, any other means of providing age of the child as proscribed by the governing board of the school district
- Proof of residency: as defined Ed Code 48204.1 – Examples (but not limited to):
- Property tax payment receipts
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts
- Utility service contract, statement, or payment receipts
- Pay stubs
- Voter registration
- Correspondence from a government agency
- Declaration of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian of a pupil
- Parent provide a photo ID from a government or non-governmental source
- Signed Authorization for Release of School Records
- Custody Paperwork (if applicable)
- Copy of most current I.E.P. (Special Education) or 504 plan (if applicable).
2023-24 Affidavit of Residency (Declaration of Residency if student and parents/guardians are staying with family or friends)
Affidavit of Residency forms (Declaration of Residency) are available if you are residing/doubled up with another family. Please download and complete the link below, along with the registration pages. Please provide proof of residency from the resident to verify residency to complete the process. This document must be signed in our office with proof of ID.
Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit (Affidavit needed if a student is not living with parents/guardians and is to be signed in our office with proof of ID.)
Once enrollment is entered into our database, you will receive a district-generated link for our online registration.
Part 2, Folsom Cordova Unified School District uses an online registration system called INFOSNAP.
- Once the Enrollment Documents have been submitted and verified, an INFOSNAP login and password will be emailed to you.
- Now you will be able to enter your student’s information:
- Emergency contacts
- Medical information
- All additional FCUSD required registration documents.
- Once you have completed and submitted the registration, you will receive a phone call to get your Student Started
Alisha Johnson, Registrar Available M-F from 8am-3:30pm (916)294-9045 ext.710130