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Public Library

Folsom Public Library

Folsom Public Library

Visit the Folsom Public Library to register for a library card.  

Sacramento Public Library (SPL) Student Success Card

Access Sacramento Public Library's online resources with your Student Success Card. This is a public library ecard available to all FCUSD students. 

1. To log in, visit

2. Go to My Account in the right-hand corner.

Classes & Tutorials

  • Language learning apps, including Mango Languages, Bluebird, and Pronunciator
  • Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and NorthStar Digital Literacy for developing job, design, and computer skills, and Gale Courses to participate in college-level instruction

Digital media

eBooks and audiobooks

  • Libby and Overdrive for adult ebooks and audiobooks (Use Sora to access books filtered to TK-12 grade
  • Enki California Digital Library for thousands of indie authors (Use EnkiYA for TK-12 ebooks)

3. Students use their student ID, with the prefix FC as their barcode and year of birth as their PIN.   


Library Card Number or Username: FC1234567

PIN: 2012

Movies & Music

  • Hoopla, download up to 5 movies, music, comic books, or books 
  • 60 Minutes archives


  • The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, gain 72-hour access
  • The Sacramento Bee and California Edition offer access to today's news and local paper archive

Sacramento Public Library Card
Want to merge your Student Success Card with your library card? Interested in opting out of this service? Read more about the ecard at SPL Student Success Card [PDF].

To update your Student Success Card to a full-fledged library card, visit the Rancho Cordova Library or an SPL location near you.